Page 65 of Blood Chased

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“You impossible girl!” Sylvester made to backhand Val, but Nero gripped the vamp’s arm to stop the blow.

“I wouldn’t do that,” Nero snarled.

“I’ll thank you to take your hand off my father-in-law,” a cold voice said behind them.

They turned and were faced with a tall, lanky man. His complexion was so pale that his veins were visible through his thin and hollow cheeks. His black hair was a stark contrast, but he still looked like a ghost of a man.

“Lord Buttmunch, I assume,” Val spat.

The vampire hissed and displayed long fangs. Nero tried to slide Val behind him again, but she wouldn’t budge. “Respect your elders, girl.”

“Lord,” Lilliane purred, coming around the corner. “I’ve been looking for you.”

Lord turned toward Lil and hissed again. “Where have you been?”

“I had to say goodbye to my sisters. As you can see, they’re having a hard time letting me go.”

“As in, we will never let her go,” Val snapped.

“This is no concern of yours.” The vamp slashed at Valentine, but Nero shifted and threw himself at the vamp. The long claws dug into his side just as he moved out of the way.

Lil screamed and threw herself at Lord. “Enough! We’ll never have peace if you attack an alpha, Lord.”

“I’m done with peace. It was your silly idea. Now, I will annihilate all the wolves in a hundred-mile radius from here. No mutt will ever interfere with vampire business again.”

“You do realize I let them in, right?” Lilliane said.

“Sylvester, this is your fault,” Lord snarled.

“It’s a little too late to assign blame. The house is full of wolves. There isn’t a single vamp without a wolf guard. We’ve taken over the house,” Val said. She pointed toward Nero’s wolf. “You messed with three alphas. I don’t care how powerful you think the vampire council is. We have numbers on our side. That and love. We will defeat you.”

“I’d like to see you try.” Lord swiped a hand at Lil and sent her crashing against the wall. Nero tried to jump in the way before the vampire could hit Val, but the wolf was a second too late. Sylvester joined in the fight, taking Lord’s side.

The sisters fought their father and the so-called lord. It made Nero’s heart ache for his mate that she would have to defend her life against her own father.

The manor house was full of the sounds of battle. Wolves howled, and vampires snarled. The packs had numbers on their side. They had attacked during sunlight hours, and it had taken the vamps completely by surprise.

It was the perfect plan.

Or, it should’ve been.

Nero hadn’t anticipated that the self-proclaimed lord … whoever he fucking was … had the fighting stamina of a shifter. It was also a surprise that Sylvester was actually hitting his daughters with every intention of killing them.

Lil ran down the steps, hoping to separate the two vampires. Lord jumped down the railing and landed on his feet. Lil screamed, but Nero couldn’t get to her. Sylvester had Val pinned on the ground, his hands around her throat. Nero jumped on the vampire’s back. They tumbled and crashed through a door that made smoke billow in from the hall.

Atlas and his pack were succeeding in their part of the plan, judging by the thick white smoke quickly filling the room.

“Lord,” Sylvester panted. “They’ve set fire to the house. We need toleave.”

“I won’t leave this place in defeat,” the other vampire shouted before taking off at a run behind Lilliane.

Nero agreed and lunged for Sylvester again. They tumbled down the stairs and landed on the floor with a terriblethud. The living room was engulfed in flames. The fire was spreading through the estate quickly.

The vamps had two choices: death by fire or death by sunlight.

“Come on,” Val shouted at Nero. She ran out of the house as the flames continued to rage on.

Nero, Valentine, and the other wolves watched as the manor burned in the bright sunshine. Long minutes passed as they waited to see if they had finally destroyed the vampire threat.
