Page 143 of Forbidden Wish

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“Yes, and you should take some time, relax and recuperate. The cops will want to talk to you, but look after yourself, don’t let them rush you into anything.”

More than a week had gone by since she’d met Silvio in that very room. With Bryan under lock and key, Mila should get some peace. If Silvio held up his end of the bargain, Mila shouldn’t be at risk anymore. She’d be able to live her life free and safe, without knowing her testimony against Bryan was only part of the story.

“They arrested her boss too. Langspring was working with Bryan.”

“I can’t even… it’s so pointless. Stephanie lost her life for nothing.”

As so many did. The cause wasn’t for nothing though. She liked to think that if Stephanie was around, she’d support her decision to conceal the full truth. Mila might be in the hospital for a while. With a brain injury and broken bones, she had a journey of recovery ahead. Swerve proved just how easy it was to inject something into the IV. Next time, it could be more than a mild sedative. They had to tread carefully.

Mila’s lack of family was a problem for their side and a boon for the other. If Manzani decided Mila wasn’t worth the trouble, she wouldn’t have a family or anyone to notice she was gone. Anyone except her.

She stayed with Mila for another half hour but couldn’t sit there all day. When Mila drifted off again, she slipped out and hurried to the street to grab a cab.

Steeple’s Monday meeting would begin soon and she had another appointment before she was due in his office. Luckily, it was in the same building and on the same floor.

She ascended in the elevator, smiled at Lucy, and went directly to Sersha’s desk in such a flurry, the woman blinked up at her.

“Hey,” Sersha said. “You wanted to talk?”

“Can we go…”

Pointing over her shoulder into one of the reading rooms, she followed her finger with Sersha at her back.

“Lachlan said they picked up Bryant. He’s going down for all of it.”

“Yeah, I told Mila this morning.”

“How did she take it?”

“I don’t know, okay, I guess.”

With the door closed in the soundproof room and both of them sitting down, she slipped a hand into her purse and produced…

“What’s this?” Sersha asked, unfolding the paper. “Ah.”

“It might be weird, but… Will you read it?”

Without a word, Sersha leaned against the back of the chair, concentrating as she read. Putting it together hadn’t been easy. She’d taken out that detail, added another, then put the first one back in. This was the first time she’d written a story under the guillotine, family lined up beside her, their fates tied to hers.

While Sersha read, she fought to stay still. Triggered by every nuance on the woman’s face, it was impossible to tell what was in her head. Why was she so nervous?

At the end, lowering the page, Sersha took a deep breath in. Pausing for one beat, two. Their eyes met and hers begged a response.

Sersha exhaled. “Welcome to walking the line.”

“It feels dishonest.”

“It’s as much truth as we know. Everything else is conjecture and you make that point.”

“You don’t think the cops will come banging on my door? I don’t want to be in your dad’s sights.”

“Ha, well, don’t worry about that. My door would definitely be his first stop. I have the superintendent under control. As much as anyone can. Anyone asks questions, tell them you heard it from me.”

Sersha winked and handed back the article. Sometimes she feared the woman, suspected her of… something. Other times, it was awe-inspiring how determined she was to protect others.

Sersha McLeod had strong shoulders, carrying the weight of the world everywhere she went and forever adding to the burden. A brother and father loved her too, but she didn’t have that someone to be hers, like she had Jagg. Someone to lighten the load by taking it on too.

She’d neglected getting to know Sersha while she and Lachlan were involved. Now it felt like she had a friend. Albeit an enigmatic, gray zone friend who she’d never know completely. Sersha had secrets, more than her brother, more than other reporters. If the strain ever became too much, she’d do her best to be there for her.
