Page 33 of Just a Wrong Turn

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“I’m glad you like them. Eggs, bacon, and tacos are really the only things I make. My mom is very disappointed in my cooking skills.”

“Has she tried your bacon and eggs? It’s impressive to me.”

“You must not cook much.”

Liza held up her fork to dispute his claim and then set it down. “Yeah you’re right. Mac and cheese, grilled cheese, and string cheese are my mainstays.”

“That’s a lot of cheese.”

Liza laughed. “It’s stupid, but it started out as a way to stick it to my mom. She never let us eat dairy growing up, so I went a little crazy when I moved out. And look at me, I’m fine. I didn’t die of dairy consumption.”

Miller set down his fork. “Dairy has pros and cons. It has protein and calcium, which is beneficial, but it also has high levels of saturated fat and sugar.”

Shaking her head, Liza quipped, “You would know that.”

“Just try to incorporate some fruits and vegetables at each meal. It’s all about balance.” Miller stood, reached towards the counter, and plopped an apple down in front of her. “For dessert.”

“Yes sir, Dr. Miller.” Liza saluted.

He paused slightly before turning his back to her and placing his dishes in the sink. Liza cringed.Note to self, no doctor jokes! It’s clearly a raw subject still!Liza wanted to pound her palm to her forehead, but for concussion reasons, and not wanting to look crazy, she withheld. The self-discipline seemed warranted though. Everytime she took one step forward with Miller, her big mouth brought her two steps back.

Liza rose from her seat holding her plate. “You cooked. I can wash the dishes.”

“I got it," Miller remarked. “Besides, you should get to work planning the 5k.”

“What happened to me needing to rest?”

“You said you’re fine. But, you should limit screen time to fifteen minutes. I’ll come in to help when I’m done exercising the dogs.”

“So you’re really just holding me hostage here to work?”

Miller lifted an eyebrow. “Maybe.”

Liza smirked and headed back to his room.It’s weird how quickly I became comfortable hanging out here—in Miller’s bedroom and at the rescue. Snuggling into the soft fleece blanket Miller had given her, she pulled out her phone and got to work setting up the virtual 5k.

A half hour later, Liza heard Miller’s bedroom door open.

“In here,” she called.

Miller leaned against the door frame of his closet. “What are you doing?”

“You said I had to limit screen time and I got bored. Besides, we need to find you something to wear to the rehearsal dinner and wedding. Do you have a suit? Or at least dress pants?”

Liza rifled through a pile of what appeared to be only jeans and sweatpants.

“I have the pants I wore to high school graduation.”

“Well, I think we can assume they won’t fit anymore.” Liza gave him a once over. Miller’s physique had changed drastically. His long and lanky body was now tall and toned.

“I might be able to make them work.” Miller reached onto a back shelf.

“This I have to see.” Liza sat on the futon as Miller made his way to the bathroom with the pants flung over his shoulder. “No matter what they look like, you have to show me!” Liza imagined his old dress pants looking more like yoga pants now.

After a few minutes passed, she called out, “How’s it going in there?”

Miller opened the bathroom door and she clasped her hands over her mouth.

“Skinny pants are still in, right?” Miller asked, as he stood in the doorway.
