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“So, it’s impolite to just leave me.” He took a step closer, so I had to crane my head back to look at him. How was he so tall? Why was I still so small?

He dipped his head, his mouth a breath above my ear. “You’re meant to entertain me,” he said in a low voice.

I tried to flinch away, but I couldn’t. Then, before I knew it, I was being thrown to the ground. I landed on my butt, and Lucas loomed on top of me, pushing me down until I was lying flat. I wanted to shove him away, but he had his hands around my wrists and pressed them down against the carpet. I started bucking my hips, but all he had to do was apply his weight to my thighs and I was helpless.

“Get off me,” I said.

He didn’t say anything. He wasn’t even smiling anymore, just staring.

“Get off me!” I repeated, louder this time.

He didn’t look like he was listening. Instead, he looked like he was in his own world, eyes roaming over me. Like he was inspecting me. Or searching for something.

“Lucas!” I shouted. “Get the fuck off now!”

He blinked, as if he’d been roused, and stared at me. Then, his cruel smile returned. He lowered his head, and his hair tickled the side of my face. His words were a breath in my ear.

“You’re cute when you struggle,” he said.

Then he got off me and disappeared in the direction of the bathroom. I lay there, on the carpet, staring at the ceiling for a moment. First, I felt dazed, then furious. But underneath the anger, I felt weak, which was the worst feeling of all.



“You look like shit,” Jemima says when I open the passenger side door to her car.

It’s too early to be awake, and the city is blue and cold. The street is full of professionals wearing suits or pencil skirts.

“Thanks,” I say as I fall into the passenger seat. I didn’t bring any luggage with me since home will have all the clothes and toiletries I need. All I need is my phone.

After doing up my seat belt, I lean my head against the headrest.

Jemima pulls out of the carpark onto the street. “Did you get wasted last night or something?”

I rub my temples. My entire skull hurts, as if an iron hand is trying to crush it. “Yeah. Ever heard of sake?”

She whistles. “What was the occasion?”

“One month anniversary with Cleo. We went to a Japanese place, but in retrospect, we should have gotten drunk somewhere cheaper. The bottles really added up.” I sigh. “At least Lucas helped cover the bill.”

Jemima glances over at me. “Lucas was there?”

“Yeah. Cleo invited him.”


“Whatever you’re thinking, don’t.”

“I didn’t say anything!”

“I know what you were thinking.” I close my eyes. All I want is for the lingering nausea to go away. Why did I think drinking was a good idea? That’s it, I’m never drinking alcohol ever again.

“Okay.” Jemima’s silent after that, but I can practically feel her thoughts floating in the car, nudging me.

I crack one eye open. “What?” I ask, sharper than she deserves.

“Nothing. I won’t annoy you with unsolicited big sister advice,” she says. “But…” A sigh. “Remember you deserve the world, okay?” Before I can form a response, she clicks on the indicator. “Now, how ‘bout we get some Maccas? What do you want, coffee? Some water as well? It’s good to stay hydrated after a night of drinking…”
