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“Easy, Rollo. We’ll get her back,” Dax said pulling Rollo back a step from the Fae.

“I am just…I’m sorry, she’s just, I mean, we…”

“Oh, I see,” said June, apparently quickly grasping that there was much more to their relationship than she had at first understood.

“Oh, dear, yes, I do see,” she continued.

“See what? Was he here?” he almost yelled.

“No. no. That would be impossible. Well, impossible as far as I can tell. No, the wards are too strong, and too ancient. And the spirit would haveneverallowed that. Plus, this place sits on much older Fae ground and the…”

“Then where is she?” It was Dax who interrupted her this time.

“Well, I don’t want to insert myself in your relationship,” she said looking at Rollo, “but…” She seemed to hesitate.

“But what? Out with it, woman!”

“Rollo, try to relax,” Dax said.

“Well, she seemed upset. Or distracted. Had I known…”

“Dammit, I knew it,” Rollo swore under his breath. “This is all my fault. God, if anything happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself.”

He turned to his alpha. “Dax, if I can take point on this…”

“Of course, I’ve got your back. I didn’t foresee this … complication. I had assumed she would stay put out of harm’s way. But this changes the mix. I will let everyone know right away to be on the lookout for her,” Dax said.

“Thank you. Okay, I’m going to go check her room, and June, if you could keep checking the house with the kids that would be great. Maybe make a game of it, okay?”

“Of course, Rollo, and again, I am so sorry…” she started to say.

“Not your fault, June. This is entirely on me,” he said, setting his jaw and heading for the stairs.

He reached her bedroom and quickly searched it. Nothing.Shit.Quickly, he passed through the bathroom on the way to his bedroom. No sign of her toiletries either.Briefly, he glanced at the empty tub. The burned out candles sat alone.

An image of her from the other night, standing there naked, flashed through his mind, and his wolf let out a great howl. His anger with himself was almost too much to bear. He had let his obsession with Frederick take her for granted. He’d assumed she would just wait till he handled things and that she would just be sitting here waiting for him.

“Fuck!” This time it was not his inside voice. His voice thundered through the enclosed space as his wolf thrashed around inside him, pushing to burst free.Not yet.

He passed into his bedroom and was about to go down again to assist in searching the premises when he remembered a crucial detail. Her phone. He distinctly remembered leaving it for her last night.Jezzus.It had felt like the right thing to do. He had been so eager to right the wrongs of holding her that first night.

“Fuucckkk!” This time his anger was almost too much to contain. Distantly, he realized he had to pull it together. His kids needed him. He took a few long deep breaths.Center yourself. Make her safe. Yes, this is the way,he thought, thinking of his current favorite television show.

If she had taken her phone and left, thinking she could call for help, that meant he could call her, right? When he had her phone, he had taken down the number. He got it out, and called.

Straight to voicemail. Dammit.

“Okay then, let’s do that search in case there is anything here. But I already get the feeling we won’t find a thing.”

The boys had been happily exploring the house that first day, so they knew the layout of the house already, mostly. At least better than he did. Besides, he didn’t want them to freak out, and watching the adults frantically looking throughout the house wouldn’t help, so might as well make a game of it and keep them distracted as well as making them feel useful.

He whistled, and they came running.

“Okay, guys. We need to know all about this house, and Dax and I have an official assignment for you. You think you can handle it?”

That was all they needed to hear. “Yes,” they chorused as they all immediately formed a little line and stood up as straight as they could. Like any little boys, they wanted to be part of the team.

“Okay, good. We have to go out for a bit, but we are going to leave June in charge. Your mission is very important. To start, we need you to each think of the best hiding spot in the house.”
