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It won’t—

“Hey.” He nudges me with his elbow. “We’ll figure it out, okay.”

I nod, forcing a smile.

“It’s your birthday soon too, isn’t it?” Abi changes the subject.


“Maybe we can celebrate.”

“Oh no, I don’t—”

“Guys, come on,” Theo groans. “We’re supposed to be chilling.”

“You’re just upset Raine chose to hang out with us and not—”

“Babe,” Tally scolds Oak. “Don’t push him.”

“Well, one thing is for sure,” he says. “The Heir chasers will lose their shit when they realise you’re definitely off the market.”

“All their attention will be on you now, Eaton,” Reese adds with a smirk. “I can only imagine the shit they’ll pull to try their luck with you. The last Heir standing.”

“Fucking idiots.” Elliot mutters but I don’t watch him, I watch Abi.

Watch the blood drain from her face as if she hadn’t realised what me staying in All Hallows’ would mean.

“Four months,” Oak goes on. “And then we’re done with college and have the whole summer before shit gets real.”

Tension ripples through the air as Theo glares at him again.

“What? Surely I didn’t—”

“It’s called tact, dickhead,” Reese laughs. “Look it up.”

Theo leans in and lets out a heavy sigh. “I know you only just left our room, but can we go back up there? I’m not sure I can survive this without knocking him the fuck out.” My brows furrow as I stare at him, and he frowns back at me. “What?”

“You said ‘our room’.”

A slow smug smile tugs at his mouth, setting off butterflies in my stomach. “You noticed that, huh?”

“Theo, I didn’t agree to stay here permanently,” I whisper.

His smirk intensifies as he steals a kiss before replying, “We’ll see.”

* * *

Istay at the Chapel for the rest of the week. Hanging out in Theo’s room with him or Millie. Sometimes Abi joins us, and we play Monopoly. Sometimes Theo skips class to stay in bed with me where he continues his mission to show me just how much he loves me.

It’s amazing—he’s amazing.

But I’ve decided to keep my room in the dorms.

I don’t want to be that girl, so infatuated with her boyfriend that she doesn’t know how to be alone or do things with her friends.

Theo has been in a sulk about it since I told him my decision, but he’s going along with it on one condition—that I let him keep the camera in my room. We compromised, so long as I get to decide when it’s turned on or off.

Today, I’m going back to class, and I haven’t told him or Millie, but I’m kind of terrified. I know how fast the rumour mill circulates at All Hallows’. If people haven’t already learned the truth about me, they’ll have filled enough blanks to make my life difficult.
