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“W-what are you doing here?” I choke out.

“I would have come sooner if it wasn’t for your boyfriend. Really, babe. A jumped-up little rugby player who thinks he’s God’s gift to women just because he has a few quid in the bank and drives a nice car.”

I don’t argue. There’s no point. Vaughn Ronson only believes his own bullshit.

“What do you want, Vaughn?” I clip out, my eyes darting to the door behind him.

I could scream, try and alert somebody. But who knows what he might do, and Millie is in this building.

“I want to discuss the terms of our arrangement.”

“We don’t have an arrangement,” I say, trying to keep the tremor out of my voice.

“Now, now, don’t play dumb with me.” He steps closer and I dart back. But he’s quicker and before I know it, his hand shoots out, grabbing me around the neck. His eyes drop to the love bites along my collarbone, his expression turning murderous. “We both know you’re going to do exactly what I say.”

“I’ll leave,” I rush out in pure desperation. “I’ll go with you. Just… just leave them out of it. Please.”

“Now why would I do that?” He leans in, kissing the corner of my mouth. “When the fun is just getting started.”



I’m dressed and ready for school long before the others wake up and emerge from their pits.

There’s only two days until the insanity of my birthday hits, and when it does, I want to know that Raine is going to be standing by my side.

It might be selfish to want to drag her into it. But I know the scandal I’m about to cause, the upheaval, and I need her beside me.

Something tells me that Millie is going to need her as well.

With my coat on and my hood up, I step out into the bitterly cold, wet morning. The sun—if there actually was any—has barely risen, casting All Hallows’ in eerie dark shadows, making it look even more sinister than it does on a normal day.

With my head down and the rain quickly soaking me, I make a beeline toward the cafeteria. A place we never used to step foot in, since we’re Heirs and have access to a private chef. But everything is different since Reese and Liv got together. Now, more often than not, we eat with the masses.

Fucking hell, I can understand why Raine had the opinion of us she did at the beginning. We really are entitled dickheads. Wouldn’t change it for the world though, and I’m really fucking hoping that now she knows the man I am, she wouldn’t want to change me either.

Raine kicked me out last night because of a breakfast date with my sister. I may not have been invited by either of them, but I sure as shit invited myself.

These two girls are the most important people in my life right now, as well as my boys of course. And just like they all said, I need to do everything I can to prove to Raine that I want her.

Last night was pretty incredible. But I’m not stupid—or arrogant—enough to think that a handful of orgasms and a roll around in her bed is going to fix everything that happened yesterday.

I freaked Raine out, I know that. But she’s going to have to get used to the fact that when I decide I want something, I jump in with both feet until I’ve made it mine.

My tenacity has done me well so far. It’s going to get me the result we both desperately need when it comes to our father, and I can only hope it’ll serve me well in my quest to make Raine mine.

The cafeteria is a hive of activity when I step inside. Students from every year group in the school are in here filling their bellies. The salty scent of bacon and the sweetness of pancakes fill the air.

Knocking my hood off, I unzip my drenched coat and walk deeper into the vast space, searching for the two girls I’ve turned up here for.To begin with no one notices, but as soon as one person does, they elbow their mates and before long, almost all of the students in here are watching me with intrigued eyes as I move through the room.

There might have been a time I’d have given them something to really stare at, but right now, I have no interest. So what if it’s unheard of for an Heir to turn up here alone for breakfast? I rule this school, I can do what the fuck I like.

With the volume of the chatter reduced, and everyone’s intrigued stares burning into me I finally find who I’m looking for.

I shouldn’t be surprised that they’ve chosen a table tucked right back in the corner of the room.Millie has always tried to hide and blend into the background.

My status makes her a target. Although anyone stupid enough to go after her would pay for it. And Raine has caused a stir from her first day, and it’s obvious that that hasn’t been limited to the sixth form. Her whole demeanour screams ‘I don’t belong here’. She wears it like a badge of honour and allows anyone who might be interested to see it.
