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“It’s not you, it’s me.”

“Seriously?” He jerks back like I’ve slapped him. “You’re going to stand there and give me that line. You think I want to feel like this?” He grits out. “You think I like not being able to get you out of my fucking head? It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.”

“See, we’re a disaster waiting to happen.” I offer him a weak smile, but it does little to soothe his anger. “Maybe it’s better this way,” I add.

“No. Fuck that. And fuck you.” His eyes narrow with anger, but I see a flicker of fear there too.

And I hate myself for it.

“You don’t get to decide that we’re done, just like that, just because you’re scared. I shared things with you, things I’ve never shared with anyone. I fucking trusted you.”

The words hang between us, the air thick with tension.

He isn’t saying anything I don’t already know but I can’t fix this.

“Say something,” he seethes.

“I… I’m sorry.”

He blinks. Once. Twice. As if he’s seeing me for the first time.

“Yeah, whatever.” He almost rips the door off its hinges as he blows from the room.

A single tear slips down my cheeks as my heart cracks and I whisper the words I know mean nothing now. “I’m sorry.”



“We wondered where the fuck you were,” Elliot booms as he walks into the Chapel a few hours later to find me sprawled out on the sofa with a bottle of his fancy vodka hanging from my fingers. “Shit. What happened?”

“Nothing,” I grunt, lifting the bottle to my lips and swallowing down a couple of shots.

“Sure. Because skipping class and day drinking just screams ‘I’m okay’,” he taunts.

“Fuck off.”

“Not gonna happen. The others are already on their way.”

“Not the girls,” I say, hating how pathetic I sound.

“I guess that explains the issue,” he says, carrying over a bottle of water from the fridge and dropping onto the opposite sofa. “What did you do?”

“Why the fuck does everyone always assume it had to be me that fucked anything up?” I bark.

He shrugs. “History states that it’s usually the man that fucks shit up.”

“Well, not this time,” I scoff. “I didn’t do anything wrong. I thought I was doing everything right.”

“Okay, where is he?” Reese shouts a second after the front door crashes open.

“We swung by the cafeteria and got—” Oakley takes one look at the state of me and trips over his words. “You in the fucking doghouse already, man?”

My irritation with the world explodes like a fucking firework inside me and I pull my arm back and throw the almost empty bottle against the old stone wall of our living room.

The thing shatters into a million pieces before raining down on the flagstone floor.

“Was that fucking necessary?” Elliot snaps, slamming his bottle down on the coffee table and jumping to his feet so he can clean it up.
