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“It’s your job. I can’t see you doing anything else. You’re always so serious about everything, I doubt you’re much of a slacker. This is probably the first shift you’ve ever been late to.”

Hardly a save. Words keep flooding out and I’m growing more flustered by the second. I need to learn how to hide this side of me. Otherwise, I’ll be dying from embarrassment quicker than any blade or bullet.

Dante’s smirking again like he can tell I’m avoiding the truth. I don’t think I’d be able to keep on living if he found out my secret. That’s something I’d take to the grave. He’d enjoy the truth too much.

That is if he won’t be creeped out by the fact. I don’t particularly appreciate being watched every day as a form of amusement. He might feel the same. Another reason not to say a word.

“I won’t get in trouble.” Reassuring me with a sigh, he leans ever so closer. “If you’re with me, neither of us will be missed. They know how to get a hold of me if something is up. The others who watch the cameras, they know how to do their jobs well.Itrained them after all.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to get used to hanging out with you if I ever want to take a break.”

I don’t need an excuse to spend time with him. Getting the chance to see him up close and talking to him like this, I don’t hate it one bit. All this time spent together has done some serious damage.

Dante doesn’t reply, and he doesn’t have to. From the way his mouth curves, he looks unbothered by the idea.

“Maybe we can do this more often.” Putting the idea out there and knowing I risk misunderstanding, I look at him with a hint of hope.

He nods and my heart lurches in response. Yeah, I’m going to end up doing something I shouldn’t if I’m not careful. Something I can’t possibly take back.

Before, I could hide my face away from everyone while acting behind my computer. Nowadays, not so much. All Dante has to do is look a little closer and he’ll see all these feelings.

The last thing I need to do is deal with my new life with a broken heart.


The others think I go and check on Veronica too many times during the day because I don’t trust her. Well, it’s quite the opposite. I’m not walking her back to her room because I don’t think she’ll return if she goes by herself.

That changed after only a day. I won’t admit it out loud, but trust isn’t the issue here. It’s the low throb of hunger I feel whenever I’m near her and the pain of loss whenever I’m away.

I’m always aching for the excuse to see her. Even after a tiring day of work, I’m always happy to walk through the casino to see her as many times as I can. Sometimes, I hope Dario tries to message meanything. I’ll take any excuse to put up a face and scold her.

As of lately, I’ve gotten pure radio silence. Veronica is doing what she’s supposed to without causing any issues.

While I’m supposed to be the head of security, my mind isn’t on the business. No, it’s on the pale woman working hard beneath us. All of her hard work isn’t going unnoticed either.

Earlier, Nicola asked about her. Catching me off guard with his interest, I had to fight to keep my guard down.

If Nicola changes his mind about her, I can’t do anything about it. Not unless I want to share the same fate. With the way I’ve been thinking lately, I might be crazy enough to go down that same path.

Thankfully, Nicola didn’t ask why I hadn’t gotten rid of her yet. Instead, he kept his curiosities to himself, but the man is a thinker. He’ll be approaching my rabbit in the future,I can feel it.He’s shown too much interest lately.

For now, all I can do is wait for that time to come and hope I’m able to be there when it happens.

No one else is giving her a hard time, not that I’m aware. She hasn’t complained either. If anything, she seems like sheenjoyshelping out the family. Strengthening our security and accessing our enemies’ networks is nothing but a walk in the park for her.

Even Dario is starting to warm up to her. I caught him joking with her when I dropped off her lunch. Jealousy came crawling in at the sight of her smiling at another man, but I can’t get defensive over a woman who doesn’t feel the same way.

It’s not fair to either of them. Especially not fair to Veronica. She doesn’t deserve me breathing over her more than I already am as a babysitter.

Now that we’re in a more secure spot, no one has mentioned her future. If I have to guess, once they find the point where they believe there is no more of a need for her, they’ll want me to decide what’ll happen.

She knows too much about us now, so letting her return to her old life is not an option. After following her around for so long, I don’t think either of us would be able to return to the way things were. Back then, it was even more complicated.

Before I knew Veronica, I hated her. Iwantedher dead. Nowadays, I want to see more of her. Not just in passing, but for hours. My excuse to stroll around town and neglect our duties isn’t something I can do often. It’s maddening how badly I want her.

Timefinallyrolls around when I can call it a night. How pathetic have I become, hardly giving any goodbyes beforedarting toward the elevator? Simply waiting for the doors to slide open is all it takes to test my patience.

While I can accept my feelings are one-sided, those same feelings aren’t slowing down in any way. Soon, this ache I feel for her will consume my entire body. At that point, I don’t know what I’ll do.
