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Dante gives me a side look before scoffing. “You’re hardly doing much.”

I’m staring at Bria, that’s enough to seep the energy right out of my body. She’s exhausting without even trying.

Like now, I watch someone settle next to the blonde. The new face being a male already makes my blood boil. My brows narrow as I grit my teeth.

Dante chuckles next to me, somehow finding the situation amusing.

Lucky bastard found the woman of his dreams and now looks down at me knowing damn well I can’t have my own.

“Two people can have a conversation. The dude isn’t hurting anyone.” He crosses his arms and watches as well. “You know we can’t hurt innocence if they aren’t doing anything wrong.”

Dante might be speaking the truth, but it doesn’t help when I can hear Bria laughing from here. She’s smiling, her lips pressed tight. I’m sure of it, she’s masking her true feelings. She doesn’t want this…nobodytalking to her.

When Frank brings him a drink, the guy dares to try to offer it to her. She declines with a wave of her hands. Good girl.

“Not very fun keeping a distance, is it?”

I send a glare in Dante’s direction. His smile only fuels my fire. I lift away from the wall, not able to stand around and be a spectator to the infuriating sight at the bar.

“Go get her tiger.”

“Fuck you.”

Dante laughs loud enough to draw attention. I’m making distance before I start gaining some myself. Hard not to be noticeable when I look like I’m ready to get my fingers wrapped around someone’s throat and squeeze away the life from them.

Taking the seat next to her, I hook a finger toward Frank. When he comes, I try to ease the tension in my shoulder.

“Give me something strong.” I’m not the sort to go crazy, especially when I have the responsibility of protecting the woman at my side. Even with my job taking top priority, I needsomethingto take the edge off.

Nonetheless, the whiskey I’m given burns down my throat and leaves my body feeling a different sort of warmth. One that isn’t from this constant rage. Setting the glass down, I click my tongue in distaste.

They’re talking about the local sights.Apparently, this guy isn’t from here. More of a reason to take him out of the picture. No one will notice he’s gone, not for a while.

Bria tells him that she’s not from around here either. Fucking perfect. Because those words aren’t the perfect ones to put a target on her back. People get kidnapped all of the time.

Hell, the Lombardi’s have been responsible for plenty of them. That’s what the underground is for.

Sighing deeply, I twist toward them.

“From one bastard to another, stop while you’re ahead.” My scowl grows. “She’s taken.”

Not by me, but by this life. If a man even sniffs her way, Elias Mariani will have their head.

Bria twists to look at me, her eyes wide. Up close, those blue orbs look deep like sapphires. She got them from her father, a reminder of the distance I’m supposed to keep.

Parting her lips to speak, I don’t give her the chance.

“You’re taken, aren’t you,Princess.”

Confusion passes by before there’s a glimmer of recognition in those eyes. Her breathing shifts, growing a little quicker. It doesn’t take much for her to nod. Our eyes are locked and she acts like she’s unable to look away.

Her mouth moves but nothing comes out.It’s you.

There’s no going back now. She now knows my face and does not need to go back to constantly searching. Even in a crowd, she’ll be able to find me. She’s stubborn, I’m sure of it.

“There you have it. Get lost.” I look past her, a smirk crawling on my lips as I take in his frown.

If he thinks this woman is an easy target, he’s got another thing coming. I make a mental note to put some eyes on him. Well, as long as he gives up without much of a fight. Otherwise, I’m going to be the one happy to throw his ass out of the casino.
