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“You promised us a concert, young man.”

I slow the kiss until I can pull away. My gaze meets Indy’s. “You sure? You’re not going to regret this decision?”

“Oh, I’ll probably regret this decision a million times when you forget to put the toilet seat down or call my cat a demon or forget to phone one day while you’re on the road, but I’m giving you a second chance anyway.”

“Thank you, Indy. I love you more than you can ever know.”

“I love you, too, Cash.”

“I’m going to prove to you that you made the right decision.”

“I hope the proof begins with this.” She rubs her hand over my hard cock and I moan.

“Concert now! Sexy times later!”

Indy giggles at Dylan’s shout. “Why did you promise them a concert tonight?”

I shrug. “I want the people of Winter Falls to like me. This is our home after all.”

“We’ll like you better if you start singing!” Sage hollers.

I chuckle as I take Indy’s hand and lead her toward the door. She drags her feet.

“Don’t you want to wait?” She nods toward my crotch.

“I’m not staying in here all night.” Which is how long it will take for this erection to go down. When Indy’s around, my cock is ready to go.

She giggles again, and I kiss her hair.

“For you Indy, I’ll do anything.”

I’ll repeat those words until she realizes how true they are.

Chapter 37

Virginia – a woman whose patience is up


Ifrown at the entrance toElectric Vibes.A bar is not where I want to spend my time. I had a lovely evening planned. A new book from Lucy Score and a glass of wine. I don’t need more.

Instead, I’m being dragged to a bar of all places. I don’t do bars. They’re too loud with blaring music. And they’re full of people.

Maybe I’m being a bit melodramatic. I haven’t been literally dragged here. I’m here to support my friend. I’d do anything for the woman who shielded me from bullies in high school. Even come to a noisy bar.

I can do this. I straighten my back and walk inside. When the noise hits me, I nearly turn around.

But I catch sight of Indigo sitting in front of the stage. She appears the definition of unhappy. I can’t blame her. I’m not happy to be at the bar today and I didn’t get my heart broken by the love of my life.

I snatch a glass of wine from a tray – the least I can do for her is make sure she has a drink – as I make my way across the bar to her. I nearly stumble when I notice who she’s sitting with.

Dylan. The jerk who won’t stop asking me out.

If he had asked me out in high school, I would have screamed yes. But he never noticed me back then. In fact, he doesn’t remember me from high school at all. Ouch.

I’ll give Indigo her drink and then get far, far away from Mr. Forgetful.

“Here you go,” I say as I hand the wine to Indigo.
