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He narrows his eyes at me. “You’ve experienced this before with… other men?”

I shrug. “Yeah, but they’ve never shown up at my apartment like this.”

“What other men? Give me names,” he blurts, his voice dropping into a hoarse bark.

The suddenness of his shift in demeanor sends a jolt of panic through me. I feel the blood rushing into my face, and I can hearit thumping in my ears as my heart slams against my ribs. “I-I don’t know.”

He takes a deep breath, smoothing down the front of his suit jacket and appearing to calm down. “Alright, I just don’t like hearing that other men are trying to get to you. If you ever meet a guy named Anatoly, you are to tell me immediately, even if he doesn’t make a pass at you.”

“Hold on, what?” I ask, suddenly very confused. “Anatoly?”

“Yes, Anatoly Chazov. He’s my brother. Just make sure you tell me if he ever introduces himself to you.”

God, this is only getting freakier, and I’m not sure I can handle all this new information before work. I have a particularly sexy photoshoot today and it’s going to be awfully hard to look enticing when I’m worried about being stalked by not one, buttwoRussian mafia bosses.

“I have to get to work,” I say, shaking my head. “You remember last time. Just step away from my car and I’ll be on my way. No need for theatrics.”

He shrugs, taking a long step to the side, but then a smile creeps onto his face as I take a careful step toward my car.

I stop.

I feel like he’s planning something. For one, the parking lot is empty when it shouldn’t be. Last time, I figured it was just an unfortunate coincidence, because normally there’s at least a few people walking to and from their car, even if it’s not busy.

But this time the coincidence has gone too far. It’s like Pash and I are the only people left on earth, and somehow, I know he’s responsible for this.

“Could you go a little further, please?” I ask, shooing him with my hand.


I roll my eyes. “Okay, well I’m not going to be able to get to work if you’re blocking me.”

“You don’t need to work,” he replies.

I laugh. “Uh, yeah I do.”

“Not if you’re with me. I can give you the world. Anything you want. Money isn’t an issue.”

“I don’t want your money. I make my own.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “Can’t be very fulfilling, having to work all the time. A woman as beautiful as you shouldn’t have to lift a finger.”

“I don’t lift a finger. I’m perfectly happy getting dressed up in lingerie and having my picture taken for money. Fewer crazy people involved than hanging out in the parking lot, believe it or not.”

The sun feels twice as hot as the energy between us shifts. “Lingerie?” he asks, the word stretching out like hot taffy.

Sweat beads on my brow, but I lean into the tension. Maybe if he thinks I’m just a cheap bitch he’ll realize I’m not worth his time. “Probably not classy enough for a man like you,” I say with a subtle smile. “A little slutty, if we’re being honest.”

“I like you that way,” he replies. “But only for me.”

My stomach tightens, and I feel a pulse building between my legs. His eyes travel down my body, like he knows the effect he’shaving on me. I’ve resisted him, but with every filthy word that leaves his mouth, that resistance is crumbling.

Nobody has ever taken this much interest in me before. I’m not that important, and yet Pasha seems to believe I’meverything. He’s even jealous about my work, and that’s not something I’ve experienced before.

I don’t know why I like it.

“So, you willnotbe wearing lingerie in front of anyone but me,” Pasha asserts, his voice deep and stern. “I don’t care what you do for work. Tell them that Pasha Chazov has forbidden you from revealing your body to other men.”

The hair on the back of my neck stands up, and I almost feel ashamed of myself until I remember that he’s justsome guy. His opinion doesn’t matter. I have a life beyond what a random man in a suit thinks.

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