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He's watching me like a hawk, making my heart stutter a bit in my chest because I have no idea what he is thinking. I don’t want to make a fool out of myself but the next thing I know, he’s cupping the back of my neck and dragging me in close for a toe-curling kiss. I moan softly against his soft lips, feeling like my whole body has just erupted and came on fire. I don’t know if this man just knows what he is doing to me or what, but he is absolutely driving me crazy. Everything about him is just perfection, that much is becoming clear, and when I place my hands on his broad shoulders, I can’t help but shudder at the feel of him. Oh yes, I’m sure he could destroy me with just a simple touch, and I would love that from him but the other side of me does worry over the fact that maybe I’m really overthinking this.

I don’t think about much though when he grips the hem of my shirt and he lifts it up and over my head, tossing it aside like it never meant anything to him. I bite down on my bottom lip because this was an ordeal that I hadn’t been expecting at all and honestly, it made me crave more of him. I just want him to bend me over one of the barrels and have his way with me, not giving a shit who saw or what ended up happening. There’s a glimmer in his eyes as he quickly unclasps my bra, tossing it away from us as well.

He cups my breasts in his big hands, making me shudder almost immediately because this man is just dripping sin and I seriously don’t know how he let me get away with it. He’s just utter perfection and something about him just makes me crave more at this point. Honestly if it wasn’t for him, I probably would be going nuts right now and I don’t even know what to think at this point. Drawing in a deep breath, I lean in closer and kiss him once more as I make work of taking off his shirt. It’s not too hard, scrapping my nails against the massive expanse of his chest, wanting to leave my mark. Everything about him is just screaming for him to take me, to want me in a way that only he can. I can see on his face that he does want me, but I don’t know to what extent he would be willing to take this.

I guess there’s truly only one way to find out.

“I want you inside of me.” I grumble, rising to my feet and yanking down my pants, “hurry!”

I thought that he would fight me on this but he’s working on the belt of his own pants, freeing himself. I gulp at the sheer size of his massive length as he sits there, protruding from his body and making me painfully aware of how massive he is and how it is definitely going to be a stretch. I just clear my throat and try to think about anything else rather than the man below me.

I pull my panties off, dropping them on my clothes in hopes that they won’t get dirty. I immediately straddle his waist, myheart pounding in my chest as his hard length is pressing against me from below. I have never felt something so intimidating in my entire life and honestly, it’s sending a shiver down my spine. He places one hand on my waist as he kisses me, his lips moving against mine in beautiful fashion. I’m aching for more of him, tempted to see where all of this goes but I guess I’ll just have to figure it out one way or another.

“Are you sure about this?” He suddenly asks me, and I have never been so sure about something in my entire life.

All I have to do is nod and he gives me what I want. He slowly lifts me up and lets me guide myself down on top of him. I feel the immediate stretch, kind of feeling like I’m about to choke because he is not small by any means, and I honestly feel like I am being split in two. I try my best to just move myself down, letting him slide inside of me one inch at a time. He’s murmuring in my ear how I’m such a good girl for taking his big cock and I just want to yell at him because his monster cock is making a mess of me. I should have realized that he would be this big, but I had no idea how big he would literally be.

I guess one way or another, I’m finally there with him completely seated inside of me. He’s big and throbbing, as if he is about to burst at any second. I know how he feels, feeling like I could burst as well, nervously gnawing on my lip as I try to fight the urge to just jump to my feet and run away. I don’t know what it is about this man that makes me so desperately want him, but I know I can’t keep pushing these feelings aside. Not anymore. Not if I want to do something about it. I know either which way, he’s everything that I have, and I can’t just let this opportunity walk past me.

It would honestly be a joke if I did so, I believe that to be the biggest thing. I cling to his shoulders, just holding on for dear life as I hope that I can do this. I can’t believe that I am having sex with my long-time crush, wondering for a moment if I mightactually be dreaming because if I am, I most certainly don’t ever want to wake up. I think he must be reading my thoughts because he kisses the sensitive area of my neck as he holds my waist.

“Start moving!” He growls in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine, “be a good girl and start taking my cock like a champ.”

That’s all the motivation that I need as I start to bounce on top of him, my breasts moving with every movement. His eyes are locked on me, clutching at my waist and thighs as he helps me move. I’m truly loving every second of this, kind of thinking that maybe all of this is just happening for a reason, but I do worry over the fact that maybe he might regret it in the long run. I hope not because this man is everything that I could ever want and then some. As I move on top of him, he’s looking at me like I am the only girl in the world for him and that definitely makes me feel good.

It makes me want more.

I feel this weird sensation appearing inside of me, making my insides tingle and I honestly feel like I’m about to shatter apart. I know what this is, knowing that I’m about to cum at any moment right around him and there’s nothing that I’m going to be able to do about it. I don’t know how this man has managed to woo me but of course I am at his mercy, feeling like I’m going a bit crazy. I keep riding him harder and faster, feeling like I might explode at any moment.

“I think I’m going to cum!” I almost yell, hoping that no one is around to hear it, “please! Right there!”

He really starts fucking up into m from below, showing no mercy as his cock slams straight into my sweet spot. I shatter on top of him, feeling my body breaking from the intensity. He continues to thrust inside of me, prolonging my orgasm as he chases his own. The next thing I know, he’s throbbing inside of me, completely buried in as he fills me with his seed.

Neither one of us has time to think as Littlefoot starts whining and I know it’s time.

Chapter Six


With Larissa’s help, Littlefoot was able to give birth to a beautiful black foal that I ended up naming Black Beauty. Littlefoot has definitely jumped into her motherly role, and it definitely makes me feel really good about the entire situation. I had worried over the fact that maybe I had pushed the situation too much and having sex with Larissa would make it awkward or something. If anything, I feel like we’re still the same and that does make me feel good about myself because I would have really been upset if I had made some kind of mistake. I have been going back and forth in my head about everything, trying to decide what to say to her.

She’s butt naked still, not having bothered to get her clothes on as she had rushed to help Littlefoot. It made my heart soar to see that she has taken so much initiative when it came to my girl, but I couldn’t help but worry that maybe this might end up really badly. I have been wracking through my head about what to do about all of this because I know that there’s not much that can be done. I do just hope that she doesn’t end up telling me that all ofthis was a mistake and I’m just an old man that she never wants to see again.

I guess I wouldn’t be able to blame her there, but it did make me nervous to think that it might actually be possible. I know I’m not the greatest catch in the book, but I know I’m not the worst thing that could come to light. I know that I have a lot to work on and I know that one way or another, I could end up losing her or gaining her, but I very well could lose my best friend in the process.

I guess I do need to ask myself if I honestly care though because he has made it clear to me time and time again that he really only wants to be around me when he needs someone. Like he calls me because he wants me to hook her up with one of my sons and then just hangs up. That makes me sick to even think about because I have NO intention of EVER sharing her, it’ll be over my dead body. I don’t care what anyone says, I’m going to do for me right now and if this is the path that I need to go down, then I will happily accept it.

Larissa looks up at me as if she had noticed that I’m staring at her. As if on cue, I see my seed dripping down her thighs, making my cheeks burn because I did something so improper. I jump to my feet and walk over to the storage where I would have clean stuff for her to use to clean herself up. I hand her the rag wordlessly, trying to not stare too much at her perky breasts or big thighs. I can’t believe that I did this to this woman, but I can’t bring myself to feel remorseful at all. If anything, it just makes me want to take her again and I don’t know if that’s a good idea right now.

“I’m sorry about that.” I apologize to her, hoping that she won’t be too offended by me, “I should have controlled myself a lot more. I hope you can forgive me.”

“Don’t worry about it, I really liked it.” She reassures me, picking up her clothes, “but if you don’t mind, I am going toclean up in privacy. It’s a little embarrassing if you’re standing there watching me.”

I immediately give her space, gathering up my own stuff that way I could get dressed and not worry about her. I feel like a complete douche right now, hoping that I don’t end up making a fool out of myself. I have been going back and forth in my mind about if I did the right thing and I don’t know if I did honestly. I kind of worry over the fact that maybe I had taken advantage of the situation but when I recall what had happened, she is the one who came onto me so that’s not my fault.

I guess I can admit to myself that this just happened because we both wanted it and there’s nothing for me to worry about. That does make me feel a bit relieved to realize that she definitely wanted me as much as I want her, but I worry over the fact that maybe I had gone a little too far. Maybe if I ended up showing her just how much I have liked her, maybe she might want to become friends with benefits?

I guess that is pushing it, kind of feeling like an ass to even suggest that to her. She deserves so much more than just a friend with benefits, and I need to make that clear to her. If I had it my way, she would definitely just be a part of my life and I would never let her go. I wouldn’t ever let her walk away from me. I would claim her in front of everyone and dare someone to try and take her away from me because it wouldn’t happen.
