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We arrived home with bags and bags of shopping. Dusk looked up at us from the couch, where he had his textbook and laptop out. “A really productive way of studying,” he said.

“We… we’re going to do it,” I said quickly. “I swear.”

I hurried Ransom down the hallway to my nest and gathered up all the right textbooks.

“Okay. So.” I settled on the bed with a stack of books. “I have all the chapters that we absolutely have to go through to catch you up. Maybe I can read them out, and then I can ask you questions about it to make sure you’ve got it sorted.”

“Sounds like a plan,” he said, settling beside me.

We read for a while, and he focused at first, but after two chapters, he looked bored. That was okay. “The uh… the next bit’s really interesting. It outlines the connection between aura size and—” I cut off as I felt his touch trail along my waist and looked back at him.

“Keep reading, Little Reaper,” he said, shifting behind me. The command settled in the bond, and I glanced back down at the words, trying to find my place. “It’s really cute how much you get into it.”

I opened my mouth, reading the next sentence, as he readjusted my hips. “On your knees, baby, and keep reading.”


“Um…” I tried to stammer out the next sentence as he shifted behind me, sliding his hand down my back and pressing me into an arch as I clutched the textbook, propped up on my elbows.

“…the… the difference in aura size can alter the… the outcome, which is why precise equations are… are…” I let out a little moan as he tugged my panties aside and pressed his finger into me.

“You said the chapter was crucial.”

“I-it is.”

“Well, I’ve decided using this sweet cunt of yours is also crucial.”

“But… you won’t learn anything?—-”

“Eyes on the book. I need my education.”

The command seized me again, and I stammered out the next half of the sentence before he tugged my panties down, and I felt his tip at my entrance.

“You’re doing so good, don’t stop.”

He slid into me, and my blood lit with lust as he filled me up. I moaned, stumbling over words that were still tumbling from my lips, beyond my control.

“Fuuckk, Little Reaper, keep going.”

My blood hit a boiling point as I stammered, eyes fixed on the book as his tip slammed into that perfect spot deep in my core.

Finally, the words jumbled as bliss threatened to overtake me. I was panting.

“You’re going to finish the chapter before you finish,” he growled.

I whined, my body shaking from need as I searched the page for my place again.

“R-Ransom,” I begged. “I can’t… mmm…” I trailed off as he drove into me again and my body shuddered.

“You’re almost done, and you squeeze me so fucking tight when you’re right on that edge.”

More words came out, finally losing their meaning as my brain turned to mush. I was trembling, desperate, and each time he sank into me, his knot would stretch me out just a bit, his tip pressing into my core.

I could hear his low panting as if he was holding off, too.

Finally, I panted out the last word of the chapter. His fingers closed in my hair as he shoved me down against the page, driving into me so hard that I saw stars.
