Page 12 of Daughter of Druids

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Balfor nodded his agreement “The way we brought her here was traumatic. She has every right to be frightened of us.”

“I fear I won’t be able to protect her from harm if the others go above my head to the elders. Not being able to clear her memory…creates a unique problem for us”

“She is oddly resistant to your charms, isn’t she, Gabe?” Balfor was smiling now, remembering the look of shock on everyone’s face when Nayome had shaken off Gabe’s influence.

“I haven’t attempted to guide a human in some time, but if memory serves, it was not so difficult. Maybe it is my abilities that are failing. Our race has weakened over time, and I do grow weary.”

“You are far from past your prime. I think you are just getting tired. You should leave the Glen, see the world again. It has changed, but there are new wonders to discover.”

“My duties here are too important.”

“If you say so.”

“Let us retire for the evening. Balfor, thank you, as always, for your wise counsel.”

“If it’s so wise, how come you never listen to any of my suggestions?”

“Would that I could.”

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