Page 94 of Hopelessly Wild

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“I think I’ll eat first and then feed Rose before I take a nap.”

“Okay, then.” Dad parks my case in the corner of the room. Then we head out to the kitchen to Mum still cradling Rose and Faith chastising Seb.

“May I?” Dad takes Rose from Mum’s arms. “Eden is hungry, so we’ll sit for a while before she takes a nap.”

“Great. Mum has baked you a cake that has sustenance for when you’re feeding. It’s loaded with carbs, and I’m not sureIshould have any, but damn, it looks delicious.” Faith closes the refrigerator door with her foot as she balances the cake with both hands.

“Gosh, it will take me a month to eat it.”

“Not with your father and sister around.” Mum giggles. “It’s a carrot and banana cake mixed with walnuts, raisins, cashews, and almond meal.”

“Topped with the best cream cheese icing you’ll ever taste,” Faith adds. She slides her finger over the edge and sucks the tip of her pointer finger. “Yep. I’m not denying myself this pleasure.”

“I can’t remember the last time I’ve eaten cake. Well, any sugar, actually,” I say. My family all turn and stare at me as though I’ve arrived from another planet. I’m unsure whether it was my tone or my choice of words.

“Yeah, about that,” Faith finally breaks the silence. “Do you want to tell us more about where you’ve been the past few months?”

I smile warily. “Where do you want me to start?”

“The beginning.” Dad gives me a firm look and then nods. “I want to know everything.”

“You mightn’t like all I have to say,” I murmur.

“It’s fine, Eden. We need to hear the truth. You have arrived home safely, and I want to hear about your journey and what you have learned about…” Dad’s voice cracks on the last words.

“Your half-sister?” I ask gently.

He bows his head as though ashamed. “Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t trust your instinct before. I’m not going to lie and say I wasn’t worried, as there were days I was beside myself and cursed you for not being in contact. But you’ve arrived home safely, God willing, and achieved more in finding out about Mum’s life than I cared to know. But I respect what you did, and I’d like to hear about it.”

“Okay. But I’m going to need a cup of tea, weak maybe, but something to moisten my mouth as it’s a long story.”

* * *

For an entire hour, I speak about the shaman, Kaikare, my life in the jungle, and, of course, Samuel and how amazing he is doing the work he does. I’m careful to omit the kidnapping story as I’m not sure any of them are ready to hear it.

“Well, I think you’re amazing,” Mum says quickly. “Having your baby in the jungle with minimal help—”

“I had help. The women were skilled. They supported me and knew what to do. They were like any midwife here and had decades of experience delivering babies in the village.”

“That may be so, but you were far from any hospital or medical service if you needed emergency surgery.” Faith raises one brow, challenging me.

“Yes, but I had to be positive and hope everything would go well. Other mothers have done this for hundreds of years. To panic wouldn’t have benefitted Rose or me.”

“It was wise to leave the worrying to us.” Dad stares down into his cup of tea.

“Yes, you told me several times how you worried.” I reach over and pat his hand. “But it’s all okay. I’m home and not going anywhere.”

“Which brings us to Samuel. When does he arrive?”

It takes an effort to keep a poker face and not think about what’s currently happening in Ulara with illegal mines threatening the Ularans’ quiet existence and the safety of the people I love.

“He has resigned from his contract. He has a few things to tie up before he can join me. I assume he needs to sort out his visas, etcetera, before he can apply for work here.” I stall as not once did we discuss him working here and if he’d continue as a physician.


He hasn’t worked in society for six years. Is this even what he wants? My bottom lip quivers, and I take a mouthful of lukewarm tea to disguise my stress.

“We’re looking forward to meeting him,” Dad reassures me.

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