Page 67 of King of Wrath

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Very few things or people surprised me any longer. In fact, the usual actions of people typically pissed me off. It hadn’t been any different when becoming a stockbroker. I’d learned quickly that most people took shortcuts, refusing to put in the hard work in order to make money in the profession. Then there were those intent on cheating others. As far as women, sadly, the majority I’d spent time with had been more interested in my name and bank accounts than anything deeper.

I’d made a single connection, one that had altered my point of view at a time in my life when I’d needed it the most. Thoughts of the past and my lack of expectations were ever present when I walked into a house I’d learned to hate.

For several reasons I’d expected quiet, so hearing music provided another surprise. From what I could tell, the sound was coming from the kitchen. When I walked to the doorway, I wasn’t anticipating seeing Sarah. The sight of her took my breath away. She was barefoot, swaying back and forth in time to a Spanish vibe. Her two dogs were lounging near the window, the darkest one lifting his head when he noticed me.

She was cooking, preparing a meal. I was shocked enough I remained where I was, admiring her from my position. What the hell? I expected her to fight me. Preparing dinner? Either she was attempting to gain my confidence, or she was fighting through her anxiety and nerves. When the black dog started thumping his tail, she stiffened before turning around.

The look in her eyes was powerful. She was trying to search my mind, pleading for details without asking a question.

I walked in without saying anything, grinning when both dogs scampered toward me. I’d never come home from a long day to find someone greeting me. This was far too… normal.

Woof! Woof!

“What are their names again?” I asked as I hunkered down, laughing when both dogs licked my face.

“Shadow and Goldie.” She said the few words quietly, as if I’d caught her in a mischievous act.

Even though she attempted to mask her emotions, there was no hiding how much she cared about her pups. “They’re truly adorable.”

“I thought you couldn’t care about anything but yourself.” As soon as she made the curt statement, she grumbled under her breath. “That was a shitty thing to say. I don’t know you and shouldn’t make assumptions.” She lowered her gaze to my bruised hand, sucking in her breath.

“An excellent assumption based on fact. However, it’s not true.” After standing, I removed my jacket, tossing it over the back of one of the kitchen chairs. Then I took my time rolling up my sleeves as I approached, never taking my eyes off her. She seemed uncomfortable at the way I was looking at her, returning to whatever she was cooking on the stove.

“You’re hurt.”

“A necessary evil.”

Sarah grumbled again but grabbed one of the kitchen towels, yanking open the freezer door and grabbing ice. “How many people did you beat up? Or did you just kill them with your bare hands?”

“They’re alive, not worth killing.”

She tossed the last few cubes into the towel, folding it closed. “You mean he or she wasn’t worth the effort.”

I grabbed her by the arm, swinging her around. Startled, she slapped her other hand against my chest, almost dropping the icepack. “I will never hurt a woman in the way you mean. Never. As far as the asshole, he got what he deserved.” I was almost blinded from desire, my hunger knowing no bounds. She had no idea how close I was to ripping off her clothes, fucking her in the middle of the kitchen.

When she tilted her head in defiance, our lips were almost touching. “The man who hurt your sister?”


“Then he got what he deserved.” Her words surprised her, enough so she frowned, pushing away from me then grabbing my hand. As she gingerly placed the pack on my knuckles, I sensed the same hunger that we’d both felt before, but there was more. She was so uncertain of me that I was pissed at myself.

“In my mind, not enough, but I can’t kill him just yet.”


“Because it’s not good protocol.” I laughed after issuing the words. “Which sounds ridiculous.”

“No, I understand you had to step in or else.”

Or else? She’d talked to Dillon. “Yes, it’s required, but you should know by now I’m a rule breaker.”

My comment garnered me a single smile, heat rising onto her lovely cheeks. “That makes two of us. Keep the pack on your hand for at least ten minutes. You’ll need some aspirin if you have that in your house.”

“I’m sure I do. Don’t you need help?”

“Pour yourself a glass of wine. I helped myself to a bottle from your unused cellar.”

She didn’t add that she hoped I didn’t mind or make any other apologies. She simply returned to what she was cooking, stirring a pot, the aroma incredible.

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