Page 48 of Love and Horns

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I click back, starting it over again, his confession dancing across my screen. I click in the box and type seven letters which will change everything.

Fuck yes.

Six Months Later

Thepileofmagazineson my coffee table isn't just Ovis anymore. Since getting to run the reshoots, I have branched out, keeping my contracts short-term and loose. Having the freedom to work with some of the top brands and publications, while staying true to who I want to be in this business has been priceless.

Some days, I even help Brett with newborns. Seeing him work with the subjects he has always dreamed has opened our relationship up more that I could have imagined. I don't want to say he is getting soft, but when you see a man who used to have a bad reputation now have a reputatation for making families cry with his incredible work, your opinion changes.

I guess that is what it was all about for him. Being locked in the box he was labelled as did nothing but intensify those parts of him. Now that his best traits are on display, his entire mindset has shifted.

As for me, I love seeing my name on the pages.

And with a little work, some better communication, and a whole lot of hating each other, we have found the balance that fills in all of our pieces.

I don't need to read my horoscope to know what is coming next, but I do know that the stars have aligned to bring us together.

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