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But… maybe I could fix that.



I duckedout from between the rocks over my den and let out a long breath.

I’d planned on spending the night and the next day alone in my den, after making sure Aurora was tucked away safely in her own space. I’d assumed I would have the time I needed to sit in my damn bathing pool and stare at the ceiling for a few hours, until my emotions were replaced by the eclipse’s incessant lust.

Finding her in my den was highly unexpected.

Having her move in?

Even more so.

It wasn’t an unpleasant revelation, of course. I hadwantedher in my space for a long time.

It just caught me off guard, given the day and the state of my mind.

The eclipse would be far more enjoyable if we spent it together, but since I hadn’t expected that either, it had also surprised me.

But she could worry if I wasn’t back soon enough, so I forced my exhausted legs to carry me toward her den.

Valko fell into step beside me halfway there. “I talked to your mate earlier.”

My head jerked toward him. “Did she tellyoushe was going to move in with me?” The words came out with more frustration than I expected.

Dammit, I was going to scare her back to her own space before the night was over. Moving the rest of her things was probably a waste of effort.


At least she hadn’t confided in a different male.

I let out another long, rough breath.

“She doesn’t know about Rov,” Valko said.

My throat burned. “No.”

“Or your parents?”

“Of course not.”

He grabbed my arm as we reached her den—heroldden—and looked me square in the eyes. “Why didn’t you tell her, Rok?”

“She doesn’t want to know.” The words were low and angry. “She’s worth fighting for, and waiting for, but she doesn’t want to know.”

He didn’t look convinced. “She asked me what happened. You could be underestimating her.”

“I’m giving her the space she needs. When she’s had enough space, she’ll tell me.” I ran a hand through my hair, exhaustion dragging my shoulders down. “I need to get back to her. Good luck with the eclipse.”

He dipped his head, stepping back and saying nothing as I dropped into the den my female had left open.

My chest rumbled as her scent engulfed me. Tilting my head back, I gave myself a moment to simply sit and breathe her in.

Veil, I ached for her.

Her thick scent eased my mind and relaxed my shoulders slightly as the moment I’d allowed myself passed. A few more followed, and I let my feet carry me to the edge of her bed.
