Page 99 of Feel My Love

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I wasn’t truly alone. I had people who’d support me. My friends, my family, and the women at Happily Ever Afters. Plus, I’d done it before. I knew what to expect.

Brooke bumped my shoulder with hers. “Is it time?”

“Probably.” But I couldn’t bring myself to stand up or to look at the results.

“You want me to do the honors?”

“Yeah, I think that would be good.” The numbness that had taken over me while I waited gave way to butterflies in my stomach. My life might change forever. But the change wouldn’t be as big as last time. Because I had people who had my back. I could ask for help this time. I could ask Nick to stay.

If he said no, that was on him. I couldn’t control anyone, but I could ask for what I wanted. I was stronger. More prepared to take on anything.

I tried to imagine a little girl with Nick’s hair and eyes. My heart contracted as Brooke stood.

“You’re pregnant.” Her voice was hesitant as if she wasn’t sure how I’d take the news.

The air rushed from my lungs, leaving me feeling oddly happy. A little girl or a little boy who looked like Nick. Hunter would be happy to finally have a sibling. He’d protect them. Play with them. It would be different than last time.

“I need to tell him before he leaves.”

“You need to talk.”

I stood to see the two pink lines that made everything real. “I’m going to be a mom again.”

It was hard to believe I’d gotten pregnant naturally, that I was staring at a positive pregnancy test, but I was. I always said I’d be ecstatic when I found out I was pregnant, regardless of the circumstances. I tried for so long to have Hunter, and the new baby came so easily. Like he or she was meant to be part of our lives and was just waiting for the right time.

Brooke rested a hand on my shoulder. “Are you happy?”

There was something about having Nick’s baby that felt good. “Yeah. I am.”

“I’m glad.” She enveloped me in a hug. “Whatever happens, we’ll be here for you.”

“I know you will.”

“You want to get breakfast? Or do you want to be alone?”

“I think I need to be alone. Figure out my next steps. Thanks for being here.” I couldn’t imagine doing it by myself. I had a feeling I would have just left the tests sitting there. I wouldn’t have touched them.

“That’s what sisters are for.” She hugged me again, and I soaked up her love.

Brooke was special. She’d been there for me since Hunter was little. When she left, I waited for the feelings to hit me, but I felt light, happy, and even hopeful for the future. Hunter would be excited. My parents would be pleased they’d be getting another grandchild. Sure, I worried about how I’d manage the business with another little one, but I couldn’t be upset that there a miracle of life was growing inside me.

I called Nick, knowing we needed to have the conversation in person. When he answered, I said, “Can we talk?”

He hesitated, so I added, “It’s not about our relationship or trying to change your mind. Something else has happened that we need to discuss.”

“Yeah, okay.”

I couldn’t read anything into his tone. If he was annoyed to hear from me. Or reluctant to talk.

“I’ll come by you. If that’s okay?” I didn’t want to be in my house where he could walk out. I wanted to be the one who left.


“I’ll be right over.” It didn’t escape my attention that we were normally together in my house. I wanted a different location. One without so many memories. I’d only been at his house once or twice. And the most important thing was, I’d walk out when the conversation was over. I wouldn’t let a guy have that power over me again.

I’d tell him the news, and he could do whatever he wanted with it. On the drive over, I felt numb. The happiness about the pregnancy had faded because I was so worried how Nick would react. Would he think I was trying to manipulate him into staying in town? Would he be happy or upset? Had he ever considered having kids?

We’d never had that discussion. It was so different than how it was with Seth and look how that had ended. We did everything right, and he had still walked away. The baby was unplanned and possibly unwanted by the father. A pit formed in my stomach.

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